PDD Quiz: March 2022


This post was originally published on this site

See how many of this month’s headlines you remember with this week’s current events quiz!

The next PDD, coming your way on April 10, will look ahead to the Homegrown Music Festival. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by April 7.


You’ve got a noggin for the news! Bravo!

Recommended Links:

Better luck next time!

Recommended Links: #1 Noah Hobbs was appointed to fill the seat vacated by this former city councilor.

Read more about the appointment on the Duluth News Tribune website.

#2 The Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society announced this month that it had located the wreck of this vessel, which sank on its way to Duluth in 1891.

The New York Times has more on the story here.

#3 Saturday Properties pulled out of a purchase agreement to redevelop this property.

Saturday Properties continues to move forward with plans to develop Old Historic Central High School; WDIO has more on the story here.

#4 This Duluth guitarist passed away on March 5.

The Duluth News Tribune memorializes Anderson here.

#5 Tacos Tacos Tacos announced plans to re-open in a new location; which business previously occupied the site?

Fox 21 has more on the story here.

#6 Daniele Villa was named president of sales and operations for this organization.

The Duluth News Tribune has more on the story here.

#7 The Duluth Parks Commission reviewed a master plan proposal for this site on March 9.

Read more about the proposal on the Duluth News Tribune website.

#8 The Miller Hill Perkins permanently closed this month. How many years had it been in operation?

WDIO has more on the closure here.

#9 Superior Roux announced plans to open a Cajun restaurant in this Superior neighborhood.

The restaurant will operate out of Venue in the Park (formerly the Billings Park Cafe): read more on the Superior Telegram website.

#10 This retired U.S. Army Corps tugboat began sinking in

Continue to read this article on Perfect Duluth Day.

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