Responsible Summer Fun | Explore Superior

Summer Time Safety Tips


Make Summer Funner Responsibly!

By Lynne Bauer, RN

Responsible Summer Fun | Explore SuperiorAs we close the books on another school year many of the kids are getting ready for a summer full of FUN!!  Children love the hot summer months because they provide the perfect opportunity to spend lots of time outside.  Whether it’s going for a bike ride, hiking through the woods, swimming in a pool or lake, there is something for everyone, no matter how young or old.

I would like to remind parents that there are potential dangers during the summer months and it’s important to be aware of what they are. The more information one learns about how to prevent illnesses and injuries, the less likely they will occur.


Ticks are responsible for a variety of illnesses including Lyme disease which can be very serious. Some suggestions on ways to protect your family include:

  • Protective clothing (long sleeves, long pants, tucking pants into socks)
  • Tick/bug repellant
  • Insect repellant for pets
  • Staying in the center of paths, keeping away from overgrown areas and not sitting directly on the ground
  • Performing tick checks on all family members every day
  • Being aware of signs/symptoms of tick-related illnesses
  • Calling the doctor for any concerns and questions


  • It’s the oil from the leaves of these plants that cause the potential allergic reaction
  • Consider wearing protective clothing to help decrease the amount of exposed skin
  • Learn how to recognize what poison ivy, oak and sumac look like, so they can be avoided
  • Avoid bushy, overgrown areas and places which may contain these plants. Try to stay on paths


  • Teach children to walk, not run, across the street
  • Children should cross only with an adult or an older, responsible child
  • Whenever crossing the street, try to make eye contact with any drivers nearby, to be sure they see you
  • Teach children to avoid running out from between parked cars.
  • Use sidewalks whenever possible
  • Always hold your child’s hand near any moving or parked vehicles
  • Adults always need to set a good example!


  • An appropriate helmet must be worn whenever a child is “on wheels”. This means scooter, skates, rollerblades, bicycles, skateboards and more!
  • The helmet must fit properly
  • Helmets can be lifesaving and can protect a child from serious injury
  • Be sure the right type of helmet is being used. For example, a bike helmet needs to be used for biking.
  • Moms and dads should wear helmets as well


  • Avoid sun exposure during peak sun hours ( 10 AM – 6 PM)
  • Wear protective clothing and a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses (with 99-100% sun protection)
  • Sunscreen is a MUST (on sunny and cloudy days!)
  • Look for products with UVA and UVB protection and an SPF of at least 15 (according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Association of Dermatology)
  • Sunscreen should be applied liberally 30 minutes before going out into the sun, and reapplied every two hours or sooner if swimming, sweating, or toweling off
  • Look for shade whenever possible


  • Keeping well hydrated is very important
  • Children and adults must remember to drink water
  • Do not wait until a child says he is thirsty before offering fluids. At this point, he is already dehydrated, so be sure to provide plenty of fluids before going outside, while out in the heat and afterwards
  • Playing in the hot summer sun means lots of fluid losses, so avoid strenuous activity during peak sun hours (10 AM – 6 PM). Look for shade and take lots of breaks.
  • Seek medical attention immediately for any signs of heat-related illness


  • Adult supervision it of utmost importance! Parents need to focus on their children 100% of the time around water.  No distractions!
  • Keep in mind that children can drown in many different water sources including: bathtubs, toilets, buckets, baby pools, backyard swimming poos, community pools, streams, creeks, lakes, and rivers.


  • Every family should have at least one first aid kit at home which is well stocked and readily accessible.
  • It’s also helpful to keep a first aid kit in the care and bring one on trips.
  • Kids get lots of cuts and scrapes during the warm summer months, so it’s nice to be prepared.
  • Don’t forget to restock the kit once an item has been used.
  • Be sure to keep a list of emergency numbers where they are easy to find. This list should include: emergency medical services (911), doctor’s number, dentist, poison control, and any other important numbers.


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