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Kestrel Jet Over Lake Superior

Kestel Project Delayed Due to Funding

Here is an interesting video news story from WDIO News about Kestrel and the status of this project, and what it means to Superior. Could this be a replay of the...

Cirrus Plane Crash in Australia

Cirrus Plane Parachute Saves Four Lives!

Just came across this amazing video of a Cirrus airplane coming in for a parachute landing. Apparently this just happened in Australia around 10:30 am, on May 10th,...

Alan Klapmeier, Kestrel CEO

Kestrel…….The one bird I haven’t seen or heard about this Spring

Has anyone noticed all of the construction going on up and down Tower Ave.  From Anderson/Hammack on the North End to Kwik Trip on the South End.   The one I have been...

Veteran's Expo

Superior & Douglas County Veterans Expo

On Tuesday May 13th, at the Yellow jacket Union on the campus of UWS there will be a Veterans Expo.  This expo will be a resource for education and benefits for all...

Gold Mining The Hard Way

Gold Mined from the Shores of Lake Superior

Wanna strike it rich while enjoying the pristine beauty of Lake Superior?  Here’s a guy who found a way of “mining” gold from a Lake Superior beach....