Mayoral Candidates (L-R): Kalee Hermanson, Mike Herrick, Greg Mertzig, Jim Paine, Bruce Hagen

Mayoral Candidates To Participate in ES Q&A


Six Part Series Starts Wednesday, Feb. 11th

Mayoral Candidates (L-R): Kalee Hermanson, Mike Herrick, Greg Mertzig, Jim Paine, Bruce Hagen

Mayoral Candidates (L-R): Kalee Hermanson, Mike Herrick, Greg Mertzig, Jim Paine, Bruce Hagen

Explore Superior has asked all five candidates for Mayor of Superior to participate in a questionnaire aimed at learning more about their qualifications for the job, what life experiences make them the best choice, and their views on various issues facing Superior. We are happy to report that all five have agreed to participate.

We asked each candidate to answer the following questions (scheduled publication date):

  1. Why are you the best candidate for Mayor of Superior? (Wed.,Feb.11)
  2. What are the three biggest economic issues facing the City today? (Thu.,Feb. 12)
  3. How will you encourage continued economic development in Superior? (Fri.,Feb.13)
  4. Do you believe that Superior has a crime problem, and if so what will you do to confront it? (Sat.,Feb.14)
  5. What is your view of labor relations between the City and its employees? (Sun.,Feb. 15th)
  6. What is the one major accomplishment that you hope to achieve if you are elected Mayor? (Mon.,Feb.16)

Beginning on February 11th, ES will report for our readers each candidate’s views on these questions. Each day leading up to the primary election on Tuesday, February 17th, we will focus on one question. At the conclusion of this series of articles, we will then post each candidates full answers two all six questions in five individual posts the night before the election dedicated to each candidate.

Only Explore Superior is able to report to you in such detail. Additionally, our posts will be available for review far into the future. We don’t require our readers to have a subscription to read our content, and it does not disappear from public view after two weeks as is the practice with some online news sources.

We encourage you to share this post with your friends, family, and co-workers for the good of Superior.

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