Margarita pizza at Sclavi's in Superior | Explore Superior

Sclavi’s & Spirit Room Team-Up


Small Businesses Offer Fun Evenings

Sclavi’s Italian Restaurant & Bar (1106 Tower Avenue) and Spirit Room (1323 Broadway Street) are collaborating from now through the end of March in a “Throwback Thursday” promotion. 

Sclavi's Italian Restaurant | Superior Wisconsin | Explore Superior

The dining room at Sclavi’s

Each Thursday evening for the next six weeks, these locally owned and operated establishments are working together to “make Thursday Nights a thing in Superior.”

They’ve invited current and new customers to start at Sclavi’s where they will enjoy an appetizer and a drink, and then move on to the Spirit Room for dessert and a cocktail. The price: Only $20 per person, plus tax and gratuity.

Sclavi's Italian Restaurant | Superior Wisconsin | Explore Superior

Stacy enjoying her pizza

My mate and I gave it a go last week and are happy to encourage you to try it today or on an upcoming Thursday evening.

Sclavi’s Italian Restaurant

We arrived at Sclavi’s at around 7 p.m. and asked about the promotion. Our server was very enthusiastic and happily showed us to a comfortable booth. 

We shared with us that the featured appetizer that evening was a Margarita Pizza and that it was served with their “Specialty Cocktail”. Not really knowing what to expect we said bring it on!

Our drinks arrived in large snifters filled with ice and a mixture of bourbon, Campari, Sweet Vermouth, Moscato wine, and their home-made cinnamon syrup. They were garnished with a cinnamon stick and an orange wedge. The drinks packed a punch and while I thought my spouse wouldn’t like the drink due to its strength, she surprised me and smiled upon tasting it. She pronounced it delicious and we toasted our good fortune.

Sclavi's Italian Restaurant | Superior Wisconsin | Explore Superior

Mosaic artwork currently on display at Sclavi’s

While savoring our drinks we admired the artwork hanging from the walls of Sclavi’s which consisted of a number of beautifully done mosaics, one of which is shown here. The artwork must be a temporary show as there were price tags next to most of the items. If you’d like to see them don’t delay as I’m confident the artwork will be rotated someday soon.

Shortly thereafter, our pizzas were delivered (I was surprised that we received two pizzas as I had anticipated just one to share.) The crusts were crispy, the sauce tangy, and the fresh mozzarella delicious. Full disclosure, I would never order a pizza sans pepperoni under normal circumstances, but I found Sclavi’s pizza truly delicious and a definite “do-again.”

Ice sculpture penguin serving martinis | Spirit Room | Explore Superior

An icy penguin offering martinis!

After eating our pizzas and draining our snifters of spirits, we paid our bill and were presented with two certificates to take with us to the Spirit Room for the remainder of our evening. With thanks to our server we trundled out to our car and commenced the short drive to our next destination…just a six block and one minute drive later we were there!

Spirit Room

As we approached the building we admired the ice sculpture of a penguin offering up a martini at the entrance. A reminder of the recent winter Ice Festival presented by the City, the little fellow put a smile on our faces as we climbed the stairs.

Upon walking through the door we were greeted by a friendly and smiling young fellow who quickly brought us two glasses of water as he inquired what else he could bring us. When I handed him the certificates I had received at Sclavi’s he quickly went to the bar and returned with two glasses of Bailey’s Irish Cream Strawberry liqueur garnished with freshly sliced strawberries. 

Chocolate truffles and Bailey's Strawberry Cream | Spirit Room | Explore SuperiorAs we sipped these tasty dessert drinks and enjoyed the vocal styling of guitarist Nick Whelan, our server returned with two small dishes of chocolate truffles. We found the truffles to be very rich, dense and tasty. Although there were just three small truffles in each serving, they were very filling and the perfect finish to our pizza appetizers at Sclavi’s.

One reminder for you should you try this promotion. Since I had paid our bill at Sclavi’s and were not presented with a bill at the Spirit Room because of the certificates, it is up to the customer to remember to tip the server at the Spirit Room. Please don’t forget to generously reward your second server of the evening.

Nick Whelan at the Spirit Room | Explore SuperiorAll in all, “Throwback Thursday” in Superior was a pleasant, flavorful, and enjoyable evening. It was fun to go to two different places, rather than the usual “one and done.”

Support Superior Businesses

The partnership between these two businesses speaks well to the innovative thinking that some small businesses are doing in Superior.  I encourage you to acknowledge that by spending your entertainment dollars locally whenever possible.

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