Accomplishments of Douglas County Historical Society
By Tony Tracy

Attendees at 2015 Living History Tour
It is hard to believe that 2015 is over but it has been a very busy year at DCHS. As an organization they added some talent with the addition of Katie Montgomery as the Curator and Alex Helland as a Museum Specialist who is also a trained Archaeologist.
There were a couple of first time events, which from the response of the museum’s members and the public will be back for 2016. These events were the “Living History Walk” at Greenwood Cemetery and the Richard I. Bong Commemorative Dinner which they did in conjunction with the Bong Veterans Historical Center.

Dugout Canoe at Douglas County Historical Society makes front page news
In 2015 they began a journey with a dugout canoe which was first brought to the museum about 75 years ago but was only now being fully investigated to find out its origin date, type of the tree and who used it. All of these questions will be answered and will be on display at DCHS in early 2016. DCHS has some of the information now and will have the rest soon.
This was made possible by the awareness of Social Studies teacher Kyle Smith from Superior High School and his students, as within just over a week, the class raised $350 of the money needed to get the testing done. Their efforts put DCHS over the top and the sample was tested. DCHS will have an open house when all of the data and exhibit has been completed.

Attendees at 2015 USO Show enjoyed a great show. (ExploreSuperior©)
To complete the year on December 5th and 6th the DCHS presented the 8th Annual 1943 USO Show. This annual show is a takeoff of the Bob Hope shows that where popular with US troops stationed so far from home during WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Local actors once again took the stage depicting Bob and his entertainment troupe including the Andrew Sisters and much, much more. Part of the proceeds of this event will go to help Honor Flights get our Veterans to Washington to see the memorials there.

Laurel & Hardy movies were shown at DCHS in 2015
Closing out the DCHS event year was the 2nd Annual Holiday Movie Matinee which featured movies and shorts from the 1940’s and 1950’s presented by their staff projectionist Jeff Missinne. Jeff works as an Administrative Assistant at DCHS and is also the projectionist for the local Laurel and Hardy Club.
This year’s bill included hits like “Big Business” starring Laurel and Hardy, a 1940’s Oscar winning dramatic short “A Star in the Night”, the animated short “Woody Plays Santa Claus” starring Woody Woodpecker and much more. Free admission included popcorn, punch, coffee and other movie fare.
The Douglas County Historical Society had a banner 2015 and we believe that 2016 will be an even better year for this institution that has been incorporated since 1931 serving the county’s historical preservation and interpretation needs.