School to be Rebuilt by 2018
By Doug Dalager

Cooper Elementary School | ©Explore Superior
Thanks to a Yes vote in the April 2016 School Referendum, Cooper Elementary will be rebuilt over the next two years. Ground was broken in November 20016, and work was done to stabilize the grounds of the new school.
During the summer of 2017, the new school will begin to be erected immediately north of the current school. Cooper students will continue to attend classes at “old” Cooper throughout the 2017-2018 school year while the new school is completed.
Students will then move to the new building in September of 2018. The current building will be demolished during the summer 2018 so that new parking and athletic fields may be constructed. All work is projected to be done by fall of 2018.
With this in mind, I thought it might be good to capture overhead video of Cooper Elementary before it is no more than a memory. If you or your children attended Cooper, you may enjoy this fly-over.
We’ll try to keep an eye on the new construction as it progresses later this year…you may look forward to eye-in-the-sky videos of new Cooper as it is built.