Jim Paine announces candidacy for mayor of Superior | November 23, 2016 | Explore Superior

Jim Paine Announces Mayoral Run


Paine Runs For Second Time

By Doug Dalager

Jim Paine, Mayoral Candidate, Superior Wisconsin

Jim Paine

Jim Paine, 6th District representative on the Douglas County Board of Supervisors for the past seven years, announced his candidacy for Mayor of Superior earlier today in the City/County Council Chambers. With an audience of about thirty people looking on, including six County Board Members and three City Councilors, Paine spoke for about fifteen minutes. 

He laid out a platform based on his concerns for good government based on relationships, and working families. He vowed to leave no one behind and highlighted his history as a Marine veteran and his role in public service.

Paine said, “I really want to move the city of Superior forward into the 21st century. I think we have a lot of opportunity in this city and can take advantage of to grow and prosper.” 

He went on to assert that he has the education, experience, vision, the passion and more importantly the relationships in our community to be a mayor who will work for every citizen. He expressed concerns about drug abuse in Superior characterizing it as a modern plague, Superior’s sub-par housing stock, and advocated for fair treatment for City employees vis-a-vis working conditions and wages, 

Paine told the assembled audience that his plan was to build a future for Superior looking forward thirty to fifty years. He foresees improving transportation, hopes to connect the Osaugie and Millennium trails in a cross-city path that will benefit both pedestrians and bicyclists. He also plans to implement free city-wide internet access.

Please excuse occasional instances in the video where the audio is slightly muffled…new equipment and fat fingers…my bad! Hang in there, it goes away shortly.

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